accel rev1 with/imagery


If you've been searching for a way to create a career around helping others succeed, then you're in the right place. Now, all you need are the best tools and resources available to set things into motion and create a fulfilling life of financial freedom. The Coach Training Accelerator™ program has both. It's a proven path to success- built for coaches by successful practicing coaches.


Coach Training Accelerator™ offers a clear, easy way to:


  • Develop a solid coaching practice while you learn advanced coaching skills

  • Establish the basics for a coaching business as you learn

  • Gain access to proven steps that help you land clients

  • Become a coach in 20 weeks, guaranteed

  • Learn new coaching skills or polish existing ones

  • Connect and build community with other life coaches on monthly coaching call

  • Join 1000+ successful life coaches who graduated through CTA

  • Chart a path to a solid self-driven financial success helping othersnew-accel-001

The newly revised and expanded Accelerator program is a complete A- Z multimedia course that combines proven techniques and guidance with direct access to a highly successful qualified coaching community. As a collection of best coaching practices, the practical, tool-oriented curriculum offers you access to a trusted coaching community to safely test your skills and grow as you go.


The best part? We have done all the research and leg work FOR you!



The Accelerator program is engaging, thorough and quickly moves student life coaches towards achieving personal goals. What has made the program so successful for our thousands of coaching graduates? The format. The Accelerator course content is ideal for self-study students. Each section logically builds on the last, and provides clear next steps.


NOTE: First quote from Annie Stone (can we move this to the side in the redesign?)


NOTE: Take out the date, letter format and question in the beginning

Still not sure if life coaching is for you? If you have these basic skills, you already have a head start. Becoming a successful coach requires a blend of:

» Authenticity

» Commitment to success

» Discipline

» Integrity

» Honed communication skills

» Business savvy


Why the CTA Accelerator Program?


CTA currently has 1000+ practicing coaches who graduated from our program in the last 10 years. All our classes are designed by skilled, trusted coaches that actively practice and expand their training each year. Content in the Coach Training Accelerator™ program is detailed and thorough, and includes support materials to test your skills as you work through the program basics and beyond.


One of the most valuable parts of the Accelerator program is the monthly coaching call (link). As you move along and learn at your own pace, you always have a check point to communicate and share with – and learn from – other coaches.


This 20-week, graduate level course offers a way for you to get paid to help others succeed – AND learn to develop it into a profitable business quickly. The course offers the latest tools, techniques and strategies to help you master both the powerful skills of coaching and the business end of a coaching practice.


Your success is our passion. We are here to help you get started in a life coaching career that is as fulfilling as it is financially successful.


What makes the Coach Training Accelerator unique? The just-in-time approach to learning makes this program a stand-out compared to similar courses. Our 10-year reputation for training successful coaches demonstrates that CTA truly works.


With just-in-time learning, each component is delivered exactly when you need it, in a way that helps you build on previous lessons. No feeling overwhelmed or swamped. It's organized and condensed into what’s most important, and timely, so you build a successful career in coaching, step by step.


You will:

  • Learn from the mistakes and successes of others

  • Discover short cuts that take years off your learning curve

  • Accelerate your career in coaching and your ability to earn a significant income

  • Experience several insights about your own personal growth that will enhance your abilities as coach

  • Develop a niche and learn how to showcase your skills and services


Most importantly, you will develop the confidence you need to flourish as a coach and the opportunity to practice and collaborate throughout the 20-week program.


The Accelerator program combines the foundation of running a successful business with the skills needed to communicate with your clients and support them as they grow into the best version of themselves. With this combination of coaching and business skills and hands-on practice, you have a huge head start over graduates of other coaching programs.


History and Secret to the Accelerator Program


This fast-track to coaching success was designed by Will Craig, founder of Coach Training Alliance. He created this unique program based in his education and personal experience as a coach. After all his research and work, Craig realized the key to being a successful coach required answering these 3 very important questions:


  • What do you need to know to be the most successful in helping others excel?

  • When do you need to know it?

  • How quickly can you turn this knowledge into income?


The Accelerator program combines insights from Craig's formal education with essential “keepers” from life lessons and hard-earned experience in his 20-plus years of coaching. The program covers all you need to know to begin a successful career as a coach, and pulls in quality, proven, outside resources as bonuses for signing up and completing the program. (link to sign up for the program)


The REAL value of the program is the expert team of coaches and mentors that collaborated to create the Accelerator. The CTA staff focused on proven ways to quickly deliver coaching knowledge to new and established coaches, and makes periodic updates to all class materials to keep information relevant. Coaching students who connect on the monthly coach support call (link) also rely on each other for support and guidance — even after the program is completed.


Learn the basics from successful coaches as you craft your own personal coaching style. Most importantly, gain the real-world experience you need before you graduate.

About the Coaching Program Creator, Will Craig (within the same page)


Craig earned his Master’s degree in Education and Human Development at George Washington University in D.C., and has served as President of the Denver chapter of the International Coach Federation. He also created two highly read newsletters full of great insights from the coaching world (Coaching Compass and Promoting You!), and has taught countless tele-sessions and training programs.


Craig's extensive experience with coaching has led him to:


  • Write and co-author books (Success Without Selling, Exploring Coaching,
    Think and Grow Rich for Coaches

  • Develop interactive multimedia programs (Fill Your Coaching Practice)

  • Co-author and publish numerous training programs (including the Coaching Practice Incubator and the Expert’s Fast Track)


So, why not follow a tested path created by proven, successful coaches who can save you time and money as you bypass all the busywork? (link to buy the program)


Remainder of the headers for the Accelerator Program Page


The Coaching Accelerator Program maximizes your value, offering a variety valuable real world insights and training, including: NOTE: People can click on these topics as drop-downs/accordions, meaning when you click on them the info needed drops down, but otherwise they are just in a list form.


  • A Fast Track to Coaching Success

  • Practical Knowledge Tailored to Your Needs

  • Accelerated Learning System Cuts To the Chase

  • Here’s What Your Peers in the Profession Have to Say…

  • What It’s Like Getting Started

  • Live Help and Personal Guidance

  • The Most “Real World” Coach Training Available: Here's Why…

  • How the Accelerator Program “Gets You Into Business”

  • Five Training Modules – CD-ROM Tutorial Section 1 – 5

  • So, What's Coaching Really Like?

  • Bonus CD-ROM, Programs & Publications

  • Become Your Own Boss and Enjoy The Life of a Self-Employed Professional


New content for each section:


Fast Track to Coaching Success

Get started on your path as a life coach today! Coach Training Accelerator™ is a self-paced, interactive program that includes a 20-week Coach Training Course, advanced Client Tools, and an extensive Resource Library. With all the right tools in hand, you can begin helping people and building a successful coaching practice.

The Accelerator training course is engaging, quickly moves you toward goals that YOU set for yourself and empowers you to make the most of your time. Use the most efficient and effective way to fully prepare for a thriving coaching practice. It’s easy, affordable and you can start now. Why wait? (link to buy)

Practical Knowledge Tailored to Your Needs


Time is a factor for all of us. We are busy with work, family and life in general. It’s important to work with a course that is flexible, comprehensive and easy to tailor to your specific needs. The Accelerator course was designed for people who need:

  • A self-paced, self-study program to create a solid, sustainable coaching practice

  • A companion guide and reference source for ongoing learning and professional development

With the Coach Training Accelerator™ course, you will have a clear road map for the right coaching and business principles to start your own life coaching practice. Forget about attending various courses. Bypass the guess work on what material or steps are most important. Begin your coaching career and start making the money you deserve – right away.

Think you want a more hands-on program? Try our 22-week comprehensive live training program. You'll use the Accelerator course in combination with group mentoring, real-time coaching practice, critique and feedback. (link)

Accelerated Learning System Cuts To the Chase


Learning the basics is always important, but how you learn them is what makes one course OK and another one a success. The Coach Training Accelerator™ program is just what it says, an accelerated growth program that builds on what you already know.

The key to enhanced learning in our course is that we enable you to truly experience your knowledge, translating it into actual, tangible experiences that are meaningful for you. Those experiences then translate into learning you can relate to and remember without even trying.

The Accelerator program is divided into three main phases:

Live Coaching Orientation (for new coaches)

Your 1st Year As A Coach (for established coaches)

Advanced Skills and Techniques (for seasoned coaches)

By creating the training course in this way, you enhance your life coaching skills throughout your career – first as a new coach… then, as an established coach… and after that, as an advanced coach.

There are 20 comprehensive lessons included in this program to help prepare you for effective real-world coaching. Accelerator includes hard-hitting, directly applicable tools and resources you can put to use immediately. You get timely, practical, accessible knowledge in less than 6 months for under $700 – unmatched by any other coaching program in quality and price.

Here’s What Your Peers in the Profession Have to Say


The best way we know how to share all the ways the Accelerator program can change your life is to share real, honest feedback from graduate coaches, coaching teachers and coaches-in-training. Thousands of student coaches all over the world have used Coach Training Acceleratorto create a life coaching practice that is unique, successful and fulfilling.


NOTE: List one recommendation first to read and then have a link to all the additional ones…


What It’s Like Getting Started


Keep the content in this section's content as is, and then add in this last paragraph:


Live Help and Personal Guidance: The hands-on monthly coaching call is your opportunity to connect with other experienced, certified coaches. Ask questions, learn new tips firsthand and connect with other coaches going through the training all for no additional charge– for an entire year. (link)


The Most “Real World” Coach Training Available: Here's Why…


What makes Coach Training Accelerator™ a “stand out” is its well-rounded approach to coach training. You learn core coaching principles and how to put them into real-world practice. You also learn the business development skills you need to grow your coaching business, and the marketing tips and skills to attract new clients.

No fluff… no filler… just facts, figures, and examples. The course makes things clear and to the point, helping you create a rewarding practice, step by step. You learn all skill sets essential for a professional coaching practice to be strong, balanced, and secure in your success as a coach, in the order you need them.

1. Coaching skills

2. Business skills

3. Marketing skills

In combination, this skill set helps you build a full and fulfilling practice. It ensures you have the business and marketing skills necessary to attract clients and create a profitable group of ongoing clients.

Most importantly, the in-depth, advanced content is very clearly organized and interlinked to ensure you have access to the right information just when you need it.

Live Help and Personal Guidance


Coaching is a “people profession”, so it's important to connect and build community with other coaches as you learn. It's the best way to get inside tips and lean on each other as you move through the same learning challenges.


CTA’s experienced Certified Coach and Coach Advisor, Lisa Pisano, hosts a monthly live coach support call included with the price of the Accelerator self-study program. She's an experienced certified coach who's been in your shoes, and knows how to provide unique, individual support as you find your coaching niche and grow a practice. She has helped thousands of coaches reach success and can help you, too.


Each month you join the one-hour live call and ask any questions you want. Get insight from Lisa and other students. Talk about where you are having challenges and get support to move through them. Notice a new perspective on what might be blocking you in your studies and path to becoming a successful coach.


The best part? This call is available for one full-year, with the purchase of the Coach Training Accelerator™ program. Even after you have finished your 20-week self-study course, you STILL have access to this support call for the full year. That is our commitment to helping you create a successful coaching practice.


How the Accelerator Program “Gets You Into Business” (Renamed from original – How this practice gets you up and running quickly)


The Accelerator is an at-your-convenience instructor. You get access to the most effective tools, proven techniques and best practices currently available in the coaching field. Listen to it in the car, at night after dinner, on your lunch break – whenever you have time to put toward learning the basics. Taking expert commentary and practical tips and insights, this course is perfect for how you learn and includes applicable real world insights.


Keep the recommendation/comment here


Challenge and Solution chart – keep Q & A that is there currently – no additional edits


All you need is at your finger tips. Coach Training Accelerator™ breaks up all key lessons into modules, and offers links to supporting documents, related articles and advanced work directly related to that module.


Easy to navigate. Simple to understand. Latest information compiled by successful coaches with incomes that can reach $100,000s per year. All that's missing is you. (link to buy)


Five Training Modules – CD-ROM Tutorial Section 1 – 5


The best part about a self-study course is the options you have for learning. You can choose to move at your own pace along to the section what interests you most. Or you can follow the steps outlined for you in each module and work them in order. The choice is yours.


Note: I edited the bullets from all sections to put them in the present tense – as active verbs are best. Then I rewrote a little intro for each. Not sure if you want to have people click to see the bullets, or just have them on the page. Its up to you.


CD-ROM Tutorial 1


Coaching from Center: This section helps you create the foundation for your practice. Learn how using your innermost, authentic self as the key to the success of your coaching practice. Just show up, listen and learn how to get in touch with your passion, vision and authentic self.


A few highlights:


  • Center yourself and coaching practice directly from your vision, authenticity, and passion

  • Determine who your ideal clients are and where to find them in abundance

  • Articulate the benefits of your unique coaching style to ideal clients with ease and confidence

  • Know and appreciate the value of being your own authentic self

  • Learn how to give sample sessions to prospective clients and easily win business

  • Know the roles and responsibilities of coach and client

  • Understand and commit to standards and ethics of the coaching profession

  • Distinguish between coaching, consulting and therapy

  • Uncover what is undeniably unique about you as a coach and use it every day in your practice

  • Consider the value of having your own coach and where to find the right one

  • Craft your personal message and articulate what you do with ease

  • Discover possible specialties and niches for your coaching practice

CD-ROM Tutorial Section 2

Impeccable Business Sense
the pieces in place to significantly enhance your financial future. This module is the springboard that prepares you to serve others from a place of comfort and confidence.

A few insights:
  • How to build resources, networks and structures to support your practice

  • Learn to establish a solid cornerstone for your business

  • The secret to setting fees with integrity and self-assurance

  • Understand how to create “reinforcing moments” for yourself

  • Learn the key elements for enjoying a solid start in coaching

  • Know how to build a community of advisors and coaching resources

  • Understand and manage timely and professional communications

  • Establish office hours and set boundaries around your work

  • Decide on the best way to track client information and progress

  • Examine accounting and record keeping systems for your business

  • Learn about the different legal business structures and what will work best for you

  • Know how to gather the best prospective clients and ongoing referral sources

CD-ROM Tutorial Section 3

Effective Coaching Tools
The most exciting thing about diving into effective coaching tools is discovering you already have the innate abilities to be very good at it! The fun comes in polishing and enhancing your skills to take your coaching to the next level.

A few insights:
  • Recognize the value of intuition and how to use it in your coaching

  • Develop the intuitive response skills of relating, mirroring, challenging, and endorsing

  • Hone the skills to become an effective accountability partner

  • Provide strategies andsupport, and understand how to move your clients into action

  • Learn how to prepare for sessions and “tune in” to your clients

  • Master the art and nuance of listening and asking questions

  • Understand what makes a question POWERFUL

  • Know how to use the question-response pattern to enables your client to focus

  • Identify the types of goal setters and achievers and how to coach each one

  • Know the key reference points that bring your client to their own solutions

  • Understand how to help your client create support systems

  • Recognize the need for respecting and trusting both your clients and yourself

CD-ROM Tutorial Section 4

Become a Client Magnet
What you discover in this section will change –forever– the way you view marketing. Once you learn how to take advantage of this no-pressure, no-cold-calling, “just-be-yourself” promotion system, you’ll be amazed at the steady stream of new business coming your way on a regular basis.

A few insights:
  • Attract clients using methods that are fun and easy

  • Create visibility and credibility while earning income and showcasing your skills

  • Understand the key elements that build people’s trust in your abilities

  • Learn how to attract clients just by being your authentic self

  • Leverage your marketing by providing the high-touch approach

  • Shift your focus from being interesting to being interested

  • Know how to best connect with prospects and demonstrate the value of your services

  • Learn multiple ways of creating visibility with your ideal clients

  • Understand how to use your existing knowledge and wisdom to gain credibility and awareness

  • Learn how to differentiate yourself and stand out from everyone else

  • Decide how to become an expert in a chosen specialty and then owning that niche

  • Learn specific and inexpensive ways to get the most from your marketing efforts

CD-ROM Tutorial Section 5

Masterful Coaching Sessions
This final section provides you with the skills to distinguish yourself as a respected professional coach. These coaching nuances and subtleties unlock your potential to make a truly meaningful impact on the lives of others. Once you master this material, you have every right to include yourself at the highest level of coaches in the profession.

A few insights:
  • Master the four elements of the coaching model

  • Honor the client’s agenda without hijacking it

  • Discover the three factors that must be present in order for coaching to be effective

  • Discover what a “coachable moment” is

  • Learn how to use the Nine Clues to find coachable moments

  • Know how to make a proper coach request

  • Frame the masterpiece with meaningful coach requests and inquiries

  • Investigate whether you have clearly set up the “co-creative relationship”

  • Learn how to hear underlying agendas

  • Acknowledge the value of metaphor for inviting “the shift.”

  • Discover different ways to invite “the shift” and how to catalyze change for your clients

  • Understand how “framing the masterpiece” works in the coaching session

So What's Coaching Really Like?


We can tell you all about the great benefits of coaching and the positive impacts it can have on your life and the lives of your clients – but the real power is in the experience.

When you first start out, you may not be sure what coaching should sound like or truly understand the powerful, life-changing exchange that can take place in just one session. That's why the Accelerator course includes actual recordings of quality coaching sessions with five very different types of coaches… each with their own unique style.

See where you fit in as a coach. Learn the nuances of coaching and why it's changing lives so rapidly. Pick up valuable tips and techniques from all five coaches to use in your own coaching practice in a way that works for you.

The self-study course includes recordings of sessions with five successful, accomplished coaches. To learn more about each session, click here:

Each of these links should be clickable and open up to the existing description. I have, however, changed the names of the sessions so people know what the session is about before seeing the write up.

Coaching session #1 with Coach Joanne – Clarifying the agenda for a coaching session

Coaching session #2 with Coach Dave – How to listen on multiple levels and ask probing questions

Coaching session #3 with Coach Rhonda – Creating visibility and credibility as a coach over time

Coaching session #4 with Coach Laurie – Craft a unique niche and create a clear path for your marketing plan

Coaching session #5 with Coach Drayton – Springboard from a revelation while also addressing the real underlying issues

Take out the recommendation at the bottom of the page

Feel like you're ready to take the leap? Then let's go! Link to purchase


Bonus CD-ROM, Programs & Publications


We want to provide you with all the tools you will need to build and fill a successful coaching practice. So, if you invest in the Coach Training Accelerator™ system today, you'll also receive the FREE bonuses described in detail below.

These are not just incentives to encourage you to act on your dream of becoming a coach. They are crucial elements for learning the basics, and contribute to maximizing the value of the Accelerator Coach Training course.

Each bonus has previously been sold separately for significant amounts of money, but we are offering them to you free of charge, just for purchasing the Accelerator Coaching Program. (link to purchase) We want you to get all of the guidance, support and training you need to become a successful coach and change the lives of your clients.

Click here for more details: (Not sure if you want people to click on these items individually or have them show up as a list, like they do on the current site. The descriptions themselves are fine as is, but I would remove the first sentence/paragraph between each bonus item and keep the second.)

Free Bonus #1: The Jump Start Accelerator

Free Bonus #2: Fill Your Coaching Practice

Free Bonus #3: Think and Grow Rich for Coaches

Become Your Own Boss and Enjoy The Life of a Self-Employed Professional (Not sure if you want this section to be an accordion or just stay visible on the page)


This is your opportunity to live the coaching lifestyle – making a great living while helping others succeed. No other profession is this rewarding and fulfilling.

In addition to extensive coaching skills, you are also trained how to build your business and market your practice. You are skillfully guided the entire way:

From one-on-one clients, to powerful group coaching sessions.

From landing your first client to diversifying a full coaching practice.

From fundamental promotional skills to fast-track practice building.

At this point you’re probably wondering how much a program like this would cost? With all the great exercises, insights and contributing coaches sharing their experience and short cuts… the multimedia Coach Training Accelerator™ is easily valued at $1,400.

Most other coaching programs are three times as expensive AND require 2-3 years of study and training before you can even begin building your business. They also don't have the input of successful, practicing coaches or the great FREE bonus materials.

We believe in our students, and the idea of “paying it forward.” We put our trust in you and your desire to help others. To show how strongly we stand behind in our coach training programs, we have divided the $1,400 value of the Coach Training Accelerator course in half. This brings your investment down to only $697 -OR- three easy payments of only $257.

Get started today and change the course of your future. When you purchase the Accelerator course you are making a change that will have a ripple effect on all the lives you touch. So what are you waiting for? Place an order today! (link to order)

Simple Promise and Risk Free Guarantee (this is not an accordion – I think this should stay static) Chris agrees

Keep the content the same, just remove Will's signature and other info at the bottom

All the Tools You Need Live the Life of a Great Coach (This should stay open as well – I changed the name of the section slightly) Chris agrees


NOTE: The content in this section will stay the same, as it is the sales pledge that already works well


Are You Prepared to Make a Great Living? (Stays open and visible)


The minute you start the Coach Training Accelerator™ program, the 20-week graduate level course is the beginning of your transformation. Build a solid business foundation for your practice and grow quickly with quality clients. Acquire the skills you need to help your clients get powerful results right away.

But the real reward is what happens next. For when you're a coach, you are part of an important and rapidly emerging profession. You're able to help others reach their goals in an effective, long-lasting way — and get paid for it! What could be better than that?

In short, this condensed training program provides the tools, techniques, and strategies you need to quickly start and expand your own business. It's intentionally designed to have you building and filling your practice from Week One. You begin earning an income from coaching while you train. You could spend years and thousands of dollars getting trained before you earned a dime. With the Accelerator you build skills as you build the foundation of your business.

Remember, you're making this purchase with absolutely ZERO RISK – and it’s tax deductible! What do you have to lose? Order now using the link above.

Best wishes for incredible success in your coaching career!

The CTA team

Not sure what signature you want here…


Keep tax deductible information where it is currently