Five Major Sections of Your Training

Five Major Sections of Your Training

You have the choice of moving around the course at your own pace and toward your own interests –OR– you can follow the step-by-step sequence designed to guide you to your destination:

…Total time (45:14 )


Click the “play” button
to listen to a portion of
Coaching From Center.














CD-ROM Tutorial Section 1

Coaching from Center
This section lays the foundation upon which you will build your practice. It’s an exciting place to start because you don’t need to be anyone other than who you already are to make the most of this profession!

Here’s Just a Small Sample of Insights
You Will Gain on CD Section 1…
  • Centering yourself and your coaching practice directly from your vision, your authenticity, and your passion.

  • Determining who your Ideal Clients are and where to find them in abundance.

  • Articulating the benefits of your coaching to your ideal clients with ease and confidence.

  • Knowing and appreciating the value of being your own authentic self.

  • Learning how to give sample sessions to prospective clients and easily winning their business.

  • Knowing the roles and responsibilities of the coach and the client.

  • Understanding and committing to the standards and ethics of the coaching profession.

  • Being able to distinguish between coaching, consulting and therapy.

  • Uncovering what is undeniably unique about you as a coach and using it everyday in your practice.

  • Considering the value of having your own coach and where to find the right one.

  • Crafting your personal message and articulating what you do with ease.

  • Discovering possible specialties and niches for your coaching practice that fit you like a glove.

  • And much, much more.

…Total time (49:45 )


Click the “play” button
to listen to a portion of Impeccable Business













CD-ROM Tutorial Section 2

Impeccable Business Sense
Here is where you put the pieces in place that will significantly enhance your financial future. This is the springboard that allows you to serve others from a place of comfort and confidence.

Here’s Just a Small Sample of Insights
You Will Gain on CD Section 2…
  • Building resources, networks and structures to support your practice.

  • Establishing a solid cornerstone for your business.

  • The secret to setting fees with integrity and self-assurance.

  • Understanding how to create Reinforcing Moments for yourself.

  • Learning the key elements for enjoying a solid start in coaching.

  • Knowing how to build a community of advisors and coaching resources.

  • Understanding and managing timely and professional communications.

  • Establishing office hours and setting boundaries around your work.

  • Deciding on the best way to track client information and progress.

  • Examining accounting and record keeping systems for your business.

  • Learning the different legal business structures and what will work best for you.

  • Knowing how to gather the best prospective clients and ongoing referral sources.

  • And much, much more.

…Total time (1:17:28 )


Click the “play” button
to listen to a portion of
Effective Coaching












CD-ROM Tutorial Section 3

Effective Coaching Tools
The most exciting thing about this section is discovering you already have the innate abilities to be very good at this! The fun comes in polishing and enhancing your skills to take your coaching to the next level.

Here’s Just a Small Sample of Insights
You Will Gain on CD Section 3…
  • Recognizing the value of intuition and how to use it in your coaching.

  • Developing the intuitive response skills of relating, mirroring, challenging, and endorsing.

  • Honing the skills for becoming an effective accountability partner.

  • Strategizing, supporting and moving your clients into action.

  • Learning how to prepare for sessions and how to tune in to your clients.

  • The art and nuance of listening and asking questions.

  • Understanding what makes a question POWERFUL.

  • Knowing how to use the question-response pattern that enables your client to focus.

  • Being able to identify the types of goal setters and achievers and how to coach each one.

  • Knowing the key reference points that bring your client to their own solutions.

  • Understanding how to help your client create support systems.

  • Understanding the need for respecting and trusting both your clients and yourself.

  • And much, much more.

…Total time (1:03:47 )


Click the “play” button
to listen to a portion of Becoming a Client














CD-ROM Tutorial Section 4

Becoming a Client Magnet
What you discover in this section will change –forever– the way you view marketing. Once you learn how to take advantage of this no-pressure, no-cold-calling, ”just-be- yourself” promotion system, you’ll be amazed at the steady stream of new business coming your way on a regular basis. In fact, you’ll wish you learned this long ago.

Here’s Just a Small Sample of Insights
You Will Gain on CD Section 4…
  • Attracting clients in ways that are fun and easy.

  • Creating visibility and credibility while earning income and showcasing your skills.

  • Understanding the key elements that build people’s trust in your abilities.

  • Learning how to attract clients just by being your authentic self.

  • Leveraging your marketing by providing the high touch approach.

  • Being able to shift your focus from being interesting to being interested.

  • Knowing how to best connect with prospects and demonstrate the value of your services.

  • Learning multiple ways of creating visibility with your Ideal Clients.

  • Understanding how to use your existing knowledge and wisdom to gain credibility and awareness.

  • Learning how to differentiate yourself and stand out from everyone else.

  • Deciding how to become an expert in a chosen specialty and then owning that niche.

  • Learning specific and inexpensive ways to get the most from your marketing efforts.

  • And much, much more.

…Total time (1:17:17)


Click the “play” button
to listen to a portion of
Masterful Coaching












CD-ROM Tutorial Section 5

Masterful Coaching Sessions
This final section enables you to distinguish yourself as a respected professional coach. These coaching nuances and subtleties unlock your potential to make a truly meaningful impact on the lives of others. Once you have this material down, you have every right to include yourself at the highest level of coaches in the profession.

Here’s Just a Small Sample of Insights
You Will Gain on CD Section 5…
  • Mastering the four elements of the coaching model.

  • Honoring the client’s agenda without hijacking it.

  • Discovering the three factors that must be present in order for coaching to be effective.

  • Discovering what a Coachable Moment is.

  • Learning how to use the Nine Clues to find Coachable Moments.

  • Knowing how to make a proper Coach Request.

  • Framing the masterpiece with meaningful Coach Requests and inquiries.

  • Investigating whether you have clearly set up the Co-creative Relationship.

  • Learning how to hear underlying agendas.

  • Acknowledging the value of metaphor for inviting “the shift.”

  • Discovering different ways to invite “the shift” and how to catalyze change for your clients.

  • Understanding how Framing the Masterpiece works in the coaching session.

  • And much, much more.

“This is the most concise business-building program that I have seen. It teaches what I did not get throughout my MBA. It goes beyond theory into practical application.”

Saundra Lockwood
Panama City, Florida